From Iceland — We Need 1,000,000 Humans, Stat

We Need 1,000,000 Humans, Stat

Published January 18, 2015

Dr. Gunni, writer, musician

We Need 1,000,000 Humans, Stat

Dr. Gunni, writer, musician

At the end of 2014, we find ourselves inhabiting a Western welfare state, a pretty good one thank you very much. However, we need about a million more people to make things more interesting and fun.

The coming year will bring endless nagging about our horrible government and the garbage Progressive Party. This will ultimately prove inconsequential, because the bourgeoisie will inevitably fall for whatever new hocus pocus tricks our rulers will come up with for the next elections.

The year’s optimal outcome—since it’s not very realistic to imagine we’ll get an extra million people to Iceland by the end of 2015—is that some great new political party will make itself known. Something one can support and identify with, a party with a vision for the future and a goal of making Iceland (even) better. The worst possible outcome is terminal stasis—and/or an eruption in Breiðholt.

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